仇恨的英文 仇恨用英語怎麼說?
hate n.仇視;痛恨;由強烈的反感(或偏見)激發的;所恨之人
hatred n.仇恨;惡意
enmity n.敵意;仇恨;敵對;不和
hostility n.敵對行為;不友善;反對;戰爭行動
animosity n.敵意
rancour n.深仇;積怨;憎惡;敵意
常用 權威
1. 充滿仇恨
be consumed with hatred
2. 激起仇恨
stir up a hatred
3. 階級仇恨
class hatred
4. 仇恨他人
hate others
5. 灌輸仇恨
instil hatred
6. 煽動民族仇恨
fan national hatred
7. 永世的仇恨
abiding hatred
8. 仇恨的一瞥
a look of hatred
9. 根深蒂固的仇恨
deeply implanted hatred
10. 發洩心中鬱積的仇恨
freely express pent-up hatred
1. 宗教仇恨使那個國家四分五裂。
Religious animosity has split the country.
2. 他們對日本侵略者滿懷仇恨
They were burning with bitter hatred for the Japanese invaders.
3. 仇恨不易從人們心中抹去。
Hatred is not easily erased from people’s hearts.
4. 仇恨在他胸中翻湧。
Hatred surged in him.
5. 他們之間的仇恨最終導致了一場流血事件的發生。
Their hatred against each other finally led to bloodshed.
6. 他滿腔仇恨。
Hatred smouldered in his heart. / His heart was burning with hatred.
7. 煽動宗教仇恨是違犯英國法律的。
Incitement to religious hatred is outside the ambit of the British law.
8. 埃戈對女性的仇恨毀了他自己。
Iago's hatred of women undoes him.
9. 民族主義極易轉變為仇恨不滿和自私自利。
Nationalism is too easily convertible into bitterness and selfishness.
10. 想不被仇恨和報復慾望所左右是不容易的。
It was difficult not to be overwhelmed with feelings of hate and revenge.
仇恨(英文:hate、hatred、enmity、hostility、animosity、rancour),讀音為chóu hèn,漢語詞語,因利害矛盾而產生的很深的怨恨。例句為“黃繼光的眼裡迸射出了仇恨的火花”。 該詞語的近義詞有氣氛、埋怨、憎恨;反義詞有恩惠、感激、喜歡。相關句子有巴金《滅亡》:“然而對於我底愛,人們只拿陷害,仇恨,掠奪,欺騙來報答。”
《仇恨》是一部懸疑恐怖片,由Quin Davis執導,由John Bernath、Megan Davis、Caitlin Singer等人主演,於2013年上映。
動詞 hate; feel great hatred/animosity towards
1. 仇恨他人
hate others
名詞 hatred; hate; enmity; hostility; animosity; rancour
1. 宗教仇恨使那個國家四分五裂。
Religious animosity has split the country.
2. 他們之間的仇恨最終導致了一場流血事件的發生。
Their hatred against each other finally led to bloodshed.
3. 種族仇恨
race/racial animosity
4. 難以平息的仇恨
implacable/irreconcilable hatred; inappeasable enmity
5. 滿腔仇恨
be seething with hatred; be crop-full of hatred
6. 刻骨仇恨
bitter/deep-seated/inveterate/virulent hatred/enmity
7. 階級仇恨
class hatred
8. 引起仇恨
breed/incur enmity; court/create/generate hatred; arouse/rouse hatred; incite animosity; stir up animosity/enmity/hatred
9. 消除仇恨
drop one's enmity against sb; lay enmity to rest
10. 加深仇恨
intensify one's hatred (to/towards sb/sth)
11. 懷著/懷有仇恨
feel hatred/animosity towards; harbour hatred/enmity against; nurse/gear hatred against; conceive/have/hold hatred for
12. 灌輸仇恨
instil hatred
13. 充滿仇恨
be consumed with hatred