售賣的英文 售賣用英語怎麼說?
sell v.賣;出售;說服;兜售;欺騙;出賣;經銷;售價為;賣光;賣完
peddle v.兜售;叫賣;販賣;宣揚;散播
常用 權威
1. 零售商拒絕做售賣電動腳踏車的生意。
Retailers' refusal to deal in ebikes.
2. 那個小店售賣郵票。
That shop sells stamps.
3. 售賣樂譜、影音製品、定音器;
Selling DVDs, CDs, sheet music, pitch pipes, etc. ;
4. 售賣家庭自制甜品的街邊小販;
The street vendors selling home-made desserts;
5. 他是個售賣代表而她是一個藥劑師。
He is a sales representative and she is a pharmacist .
6. 暫時停止向臺售賣四艘精密的驅逐艦
Scotched the immediate sale to Taiwan of four sophisticated destroyers
7. 陳生負責製造及售賣某某貨品。
Mr. Chan makes and sells matallic balls.
8. 會加強檢驗本地街市售賣的淡水魚。
I ectio of freshwater fish at local markets would be steed up.
9. 餐廳外面大門左邊有一部自動售賣機.
There is a vending machine outside the restaurant entrance to the left.
10. 你不知道肯德基嗎? 他們售賣雞塊。
Don't you know about Kentucky's They sell pieces of chickens.
動詞 sell; peddle
1. 那個小店售賣郵票。
That shop sells stamps.