排隊等候的英文 排隊等候用英語怎麼說?
queue up 排隊;佇列等候;佇列
wait in line 排隊等候;排隊等待;排隊等
常用 重點詞彙
1. 排隊等候加油的長龍
gas line-up
1. 當蘇珊不得不排隊等候時,她從不生氣。
Susan never gets upset when she has to wait in line.
2. 不要擁擠,要像大家一樣排隊等候。
Don’t push in; wait in line like everybody else.
3. 還有所有的商店,都得排隊等候。
And all the shops as well you have to wait like long line.
4. 我們原以為排隊等候是沒希望的。
We thought it (was) hopeless to wait in the line.
5. 你必須和其他人一樣排隊等候。
You have to wait in line like everyone else.
6. 所以,露西排隊或排隊等候。
So, Lucy is standing in line or waiting in line.
7. 受害人是排隊等候工作的什葉派教徒.
The victims are Shiites who had lined up for possible jobs.
8. 守紀律的人傾向於排隊等候正宗菜餚。
The disciplined mem are inclined to line up for genuine menu.
9. 排隊等候是一種良好的品德。
S good manners to wait in line.
10. 當你等公共汽車的時候,要排隊等候。
When you wait for the bus, you should queue up .
queue up; wait in line; queue up for