撤回的英文 撤回用英語怎麼說?
withdraw v.抽回;移開;拉開;撤退;撤離;戒毒;退出;撤回;離開;撤消
recall v.記得;回想起;回憶起;叫回;召回;提醒;使人想起;使憶起;使想起;回索
revoke v.撤回;撤銷;廢除;取消;有牌不跟
retract v.縮回;縮排;撤回;收回;違背;將(身體部分)縮回;收起
countermand v.撤銷;取消;取消購買;撤銷…的訂單;撤銷(別人)的命令;宣佈(選舉)無效
常用 權威
1. 撤回資金
withdraw capital;withdraw capital
2. 撤回動議
withdraw a motion
3. 撤回投資
withdraw investment
4. 撤回異議
withdraw an objection
5. 撤回要求
withdraw one's request
6. 撤回原訴
withdraw an original suit
7. 撤回申請
withdraw one's application
8. 撤回辭呈
withdraw one's resignation
9. 撤回支票
countermand a cheque
10. 撤回要約
revocate an offer
11. 撤回報告
retract a report
12. 撤回傳票
withdraw a summons
13. 撤回投訴
withdraw one's complaint
14. 撤回訂單
withdraw an order
1. 工會不得不撤回他們先前的要求。
The unions have had to backtrack on their demands.
2. 他們反對撤回股份的提議。
[with obj.]they opposed the move to disinvest shares.
3. 他決意撤回他的部隊。
He determined on a withdrawal of his forces.
4. 他撤回了他的指控。
He retracted his allegations.
5. 部隊被撤回了兵營。
The troops were ordered back to barracks.
6. 儘管撤回了導彈,該政府在國內消費問題上仍舊保持大膽的姿態。
Despite pulling back its missiles, the government maintained a defiant posture for home consumption.
7. 提交者從傳送中撤回了以下文件.
The submitter has recalled the following document from routing.
8. 我會撤回送給銀行代理人的訂單。
I will remand the order I despatched to my banker.
9. 她一言既出,通常不至於撤回。
It was not often necessary for her to retract a statement.
10. 那些邁出第一步的,也都陸續撤回。
Those taking the first step, and have also been withdrawn.
2. [retract;revoke]∶收回發出去的,常指收回所說的話或對某人不信任的暗示 一個由自己撤其批評的機會
動詞 withdraw; recall
1. 撤回軍隊
recall/withdraw troops
2. 撤回崗哨
withdraw a sentry/guard
3. 撤回大使/代表
recall an ambassador/a representative
動詞 revoke; retract; withdraw; countermand
1. 撤回資金
withdraw capital
2. 撤回支票
countermand a cheque
3. 撤回要求/邀請
withdraw a claim/an invitation
4. 撤回協議
draw back/recede from an agreement
5. 撤回宣告/意見
retract a statement/an opinion
6. 撤回任命
withdraw/revoke an appointment
7. 撤回請求/申請/投訴
withdraw one's request/application/complaint
8. 撤回前言
withdraw one's remark; take back one's words
9. 撤回起訴/訴訟
withdraw charges/proceedings/an accusation; revoke a court action; drop a suit; make a retraction of a charge
10. 撤回訂單
withdraw/countermand an order (for goods)
11. 撤回辭呈
withdraw/rescind one's resignation
12. 撤回出價
recall/retract/revoke a bid; withdraw an offer