醉的英文 醉用英語怎麼說?
be crazy about 為之瘋狂;醉心於
be addicted to 上癮;沉迷於;沉醉於
常用 權威
1. 醉駕者
drunken driver
2. 醉蝦
wine-soaked shrimp
1. 看到眼前的景色我的心都醉了。
I got intoxicated at the sight of the scenery before my eyes.
2. 這酒很霸道,喝一點兒就醉。
This spirit is rather strong, one can easily get drunk on it.
3. 她只喝了一杯啤酒就醉了。
She got drunk by only one glass of beer.
4. 他酒量不大,一喝就醉。
He can’t carry his drink.
5. 他沒酒力,沾酒就醉。
He has little capacity for liquor and gets drunk easily.
6. 你瞎嗑,我沒有醉。
You are talking nonsense. I am not drunk.
7. 他醉得很厲害。
He is pretty high.
8. 她醉得在鋼琴上表演脫衣舞。
She got drunk and did a strip on top of the piano.
9. 他醉得在牆與牆之間跌跌撞撞地行走。
He was so drunk he lurched from wall to wall.
10. 他接下來就會在夜總會里喝白蘭地一直到醉。
Later, at the club, he will get tight on brandy.
醉(拼音:zui),漢字,本意是指沉迷,過分愛好,有形容詞、動詞等詞性,常指飲酒過量,神志不清。 該文字在《童區寄傳》和《清平樂·村居》等文獻均有記載。
動詞 be drunk; be tipsy; have a drop too much
1. 他醉得很厲害。
He is pretty high.
2. 她只喝了一杯啤酒就醉了。
She got drunk by only one glass of beer.
3. 有點醉
be slightly drunk; be tipsy; be a bit high; under the influence (of liquor/alcohol)
4. 半醉
be half drunk
5. 醉臥街頭
lie drunk in the street
6. 醉得厲害
be deeply/very drunk
動詞 be crazy about; be infatuated by/with; be obsessed by/with; be preoccupied with; be addicted to; indulge oneself in
1. 看到眼前的景色我的心都醉了。
I got intoxicated at the sight of the scenery before my eyes.
形詞 (of some kind of food) liquor-saturated; steeped in liquor; marinated in wine; soaked/steeped in liquor
1. 醉棗
liquor-soaked dates
2. 醉蟹
liquor-saturated crab
3. 醉蝦
wine-soaked shrimp