捕魚的英文 捕魚用英語怎麼說?
catch fish 抓魚
fish n.魚;接合板;魚尾板;魚肉;雙魚宮;怪人;魚雷;副木
常用 權威
1. 捕魚業
fishing; fishery; fishing industry
2. 捕魚場
fishing ground; fishery; piscary
3. 深海捕魚
deep-sea fishing
4. 出海捕魚
go fishing on the sea;go fishing on the sea
5. 下海捕魚
fish in the sea
6. 捕魚權
right of fishery; fishing right; fishery
7. 撒網捕魚
cast for fish
8. 公海捕魚
fish on the high seas
9. 劃定捕魚區
delimit fishing areas
10. 用鸕鷀捕魚
cormorant fishing
11. 用漁網捕魚
catch fish in a net
1. 人們不能在這條河的主要支流捕魚。
People can't fish in the river's major tributaries.
2. 它迫使漁民在聖誕節前後停止捕魚。
It forces fishermen to stop catching fish around Christmas.
3. 未來10年內禁止捕魚。
Prohibit fishing in the next 10 years.
4. 不讓企鵝聚居地受到任何捕魚活動的干擾。
Keep the penguin colonies from all fishing interference.
5. 在不破壞南極生態系統的情況下持續捕魚。
Sustain fishing without damaging the Antarctic ecosystem.
6. 他必須捕魚,找水,並建立一個臨時營地來生存。
He must fish, find water, and build a makeshift camp to stay alive.
7. 他以許多方式幫助朝聖者,包括教他們如何捕魚。
He helped the Pilgrims in many ways, including teaching them how to catch fish.
8. 印尼漁民把魚鉤掛在風箏上,然後讓風箏出海捕魚。
Indonesian fishermen hung fishhooks on kites and sent them out to sea to catch fish.
9. 工業化捕魚和氣候變化對某些南極物種來說可能是致命的。
Industrial fishing and climate change could be fatal to certain Antarctic species.
10. 新海洋保護區現已成為太平洋上最大的海洋保護區,將禁止捕魚和採礦。
The new marine reserve, now the largest in the Pacific, will permit no fishing or mining.
動詞 catch fish; fish
1. 這個海灣是捕魚的好地方。
The bay is a good place to fish from.
2. 深海捕魚
deep-sea fishing
3. 在河裡捕魚
fish in the river; fish a river
4. 出海捕魚
go fishing on the sea