沒有工作的英文 沒有工作用英語怎麼說?
have no job
常用 重點詞彙
1. 沒有工作賦予生活意義,人們只會變得懶惰和沮喪。
Without jobs to give their lives meaning, people will simply become lazy and depressed.
2. 幾個世紀以來,人們一直在推測一個沒有工作的未來。
People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.
3. 這樣的話,我就沒有工作可幹了。
At this rate, I won't have a job to go back to.
4. 沒有工作,沒有保險。沒有房子。
I have no job, no insurance. No apartment.
5. 要是斯科特到那時還沒有工作呢?
And if Scott does not have a job by then?
6. 有知識和技能的人不愁沒有工作。
Such as have knowledge and skill will not want to work.
7. 沒有工作有腐蝕性的盲目性.''.
Without work there is corrosive aimlessness.
8. 沒有工作單, 不要開始工作.
No job sheet, no work.
9. 申請人: 不, 我沒有工作。
Applicant: No, I have no job.
10. 沒有錢,沒有工作,沒有衣服。
There is no money. no work, no clothes.
have no job