幾百的英文 幾百用英語怎麼說?
several hundred
1. 幾百年前,北美沒有蒲公英生長。
Hundreds of years ago, no dandelions grew in North America.
2. 每根稻稈上都有幾百粒稻穀。
Each stalk of rice has several hundred grains of rice on it.
3. 這些畫是幾百年前生活在這個島上的一些印第安人畫的。
These paintings were made by some Indians who lived on the island hundreds of years ago.
4. 經過幾百年的發展,它已經成為一種非常流行的裝飾方式。
After hundreds of years' development, it has become a very popular way of decoration.
5. 一步失策就會損失幾百萬美元。
A false step can cost us millions of dollars.
6. 相傳這段事發生在幾百年前。
Tradition has it that the event took place hundreds of years ago.
7. 好幾百/千人觀看了比賽。
Several hundred/thousand people watched the game.
8. 這條山脈綿亙幾百公里。
The mountain range stretches for several hundred kilometres.
9. 她的大衣值好幾百鎊呢。
Her coat costs hundreds of pounds.
10. 幾百份電報像鋪襯裡似的貼在牆上。
Hundreds of telegrams lined the walls.