嚮往自由的英文 嚮往自由用英語怎麼說?
yearn for freedom
常用 重點詞彙
1. 來建造一個“嚮往自由的家園”。
To build a \homeland of the free.\
2. 我是一個開朗、嚮往自由的人。
I'm a open and bright , yearns for the free person.
3. 男人嚮往自由,渴望美好。
One man yearns freedom , long for beauty.
4. 孩子們嚮往自由。
Children are dreaming of freedom.
5. 生長在拉斯維加斯的炎熱沙漠,我一直嚮往自由。
Growing up in the hot Last Vegas desert, all I wanted was to be free.
6. 我們尊重那些至今仍受人擺佈但又嚮往自由的國家的期望。
We honor the aspirations of those nations which, now captive, long for freedom.
7. 嚮往自由的人類當然會認為這種規則和條例是相當愚蠢的。
Free human beings think such rules and regulations are silly of course.
8. 這種情況在游擊區尤為突出,在這裡人們可以遇到世界上最嚮往自由的人。
This was particularly so of the guerrilla areas where you could find the most libertarian spirits in the world.
9. 超級富豪們的財富概念缺乏衡量的數字尺度,嚮往自由的內心迅猛地生長。
The wealth of the super rich, who figures to measure the concept of lack of scale, the inner longing for the freedom to grow rapidly.
10. 酒店曾經是超現實主義畫家和作家們聚會的場所,有著嚮往自由的靈魂和對美好事物的熱愛。
The hotel itself was a haunting ground for surrealist painters and writers and it still has a bohemian soul and a taste for fine things .
be attracted towards; crave/yearn (for); look forward to
freedom; liberty; free; unrestrained