毛病的英文 毛病用英語怎麼說?
breakdown n.破裂;失敗;分析;崩潰;衰竭;故障;分解
disorder n.混亂;凌亂;疾病;異常;騷亂;動亂;失調;失常
mishap n.不幸事故;災難
trouble n.困難;難題;動盪;騷亂;麻煩;機器故障;身體不適;工夫;力氣;引起擔心、不便的原因
bad habit 壞習慣;不良習慣
crack n.裂縫;裂口;裂紋;爆裂聲;噼啪聲;笑話;俏皮話;挖苦話;令人愉快的演出;開心的時間;嘗試;強效純可卡因
defect n.缺點;缺陷;缺乏
fault n.缺點;毛病;不足;責任;斷層;故障;錯誤的行為;錯誤;過失
mistake n.錯誤;過失;失策;失誤;不準確
shortcoming n.短處;缺點
disease n.病;疾病;弊端;弊病
illness n.疾病
常用 權威
1. 老毛病
inveterate disease
2. 一丁點兒毛病
a bit trouble
3. 腿有毛病
have trouble in the leg
4. 肝有點兒毛病
have a touch of liver
5. 克服主觀主義的毛病
overcome subjectivity (in making judgements)
1. 只要是我提的建議他們就挑毛病。
They pick holes in everything I suggest.
2. 人不可能一丁點兒毛病都沒有。
No man is flawless.
3. 一點兒婦科毛病,不要緊!
Something gynaecological―nothing serious.
4. 消化不良是她的老毛病了。
Indigestion has been with her for quite a long time.
5. 他胃疼的老毛病又犯了。
He has a relapse of stomachache.
6. 你的方程式推導有毛病。
There are flaws in your derivation of the equations.
7. 他養成了賴床的壞毛病。
He has developed a lazy habit of staying in bed after waking up.
8. 你的作文裡有不少毛病。
There are quite a few faults in your composition.
9. 昨天我吃了太多的冰激凌,腸胃出毛病了。
I ate so much ice cream yesterday that my bowels were out of order.
10. 他有個嗜酒貪杯的毛病。
He is too fond of drinking—that’s the trouble with him.
毛病(英文:breakdown),讀音máo bìng或máo bing,漢語詞語,讀máo bìng時,指的是疾病,也喻指器物的毀損現象或故障,還指事物中存在的問題或弊害;讀máo bing時,義同“毛病máo bìng”。例句有“我們應徹底糾正一些同志患得患失的毛病”。 相關句子有“毛病是要別人醫的。”出自魯迅《安貧樂道法》,相關近義詞有瑕疵、癥結、裂縫,反義詞有性質、滯礙、習性。
名詞 breakdown; disorder; mishap; trouble
1. 這臺電腦有點毛病。
There is something wrong with this computer.
2. 汽車出了小毛病。
There is a slight mishap with the car.
3. 電梯出毛病了。
The elevator is out of order.
名詞 bad habit; crack; defect; fault; mistake; shortcoming
1. 他有個嗜酒貪杯的毛病。
He is too fond of drinking—that's the trouble with him.
2. 你的作文裡有不少毛病。
There are quite a few faults in your composition.
3. 克服主觀主義的毛病
overcome subjectivity (in making judgements)
4. 戒了壞毛病
give up/drop one's bad habit
名詞 disease; illness
1. 她的心臟有毛病。
She has heart trouble.
2. 老毛病
inveterate disease
3. 腿有毛病
have trouble in the leg