過失的英文 過失用英語怎麼說?
fault n.缺點;毛病;不足;責任;斷層;故障;錯誤的行為;錯誤;過失
slip v.失足;跌跤;滑倒;逃離;脫離;解開;打滑;下跌;洩露;滑行
error n.錯誤;差錯;出錯;誤差
offence n.違法;犯規;犯罪;惱怒;怨恨;進攻;攻擊;違反;過錯;進攻隊
常用 權威
1. 過失罪
negligent crime
2. 重大過失
grievous fault;gross negligence
3. 寬恕過失
overlook sb's fault
4. 航行過失
fault of navigation
5. 過失傷害
corporal wound by mistake; negligent injury
6. 過失致死
7. 承認過失
acknowledge one's fault
8. 過失破產
negligent bankruptcy
9. 隱瞞過失
suppress one's fault
10. 任意過失
wanton negligence
11. 一般過失
general negligence
12. 過失誤差
gross error
13. 掩飾過失
gloss over mistakes
14. 彌補過失
smooth over a fault
15. 過失犯罪
criminal negligence; involuntary crime
16. 過失殺人
manslaughter; involuntary homicide
17. 過失行為
negligent act
18. 過失責任
liability fault; liability for fault; neglect of duty
19. 以過失殺人論罪
be found guilty of manslaughter
20. 為自己的過失感到害臊
feel ashamed of one's blunder
1. 不要袒護那些有過失的人。
Don’t make excuses for those who are in the wrong.
2. 你必須承擔你那份過失。
You must take your share of the blame.
3. 自古道: “冤仇可解不可結”,他和你是同僚,雖有些過失,你可隱惡揚善。
As the old saying goes: ‘Better to get rid of enmity than keep it alive.’ He is your colleague, so if he has a small fault you should conceal it and boast of his good points.
4. 我們從過失方那兒獲得賠償。
We recover compensation from the person at fault.
5. 被告被判犯有過失殺人罪。
The defendant was convicted of manslaughter.
6. 他的虔誠和寬大的心胸總能減輕其過失。
His sincere piety, his large heart always qualify his errors.
7. 她把過失推到我身上。
She's shifting the blame on to me.
8. 就罪行輕重而言,過失殺人罪在謀殺罪之下。
The amplitude of the crime of manslaughter lies beneath murder.
9. 他仍然可以根據普通法過失行為條例起訴承包商。
He may still be able to proceed against the contractor under the common law negligence rules.
10. 這只是專注度和防守方面的過失。
It was just concentration and defensive mistakes.
過失(Fault),是一個漢語詞彙,拼音是guò shī,意思是指“應注意的、能注意的,而未注意”,或是無法達到一般合乎理性之人所應達到的謹慎程度。
2014法國導演弗雷德·卡瓦耶執導,文森特·林頓/吉爾·勒盧什/納迪·拉巴基/ 吉勒·科昂 / Max Baissette de Malglaive / Medi Sadoun /維利貝·託皮奇主演的電影,2014年2月5號在法國上映, 電影片長90分鐘。
名詞 fault; slip; error
1. 重大過失
gross negligence
2. 隱瞞過失
suppress one's fault
3. 寬恕過失
overlook sb's fault
4. 承認過失
acknowledge one's fault
名詞 unpremeditated crime; offence