弄壞的英文 弄壞用英語怎麼說?
ruin n.毀滅;滅亡;毀壞;崩潰;毀滅狀態;破產;廢墟;傾家蕩產;遺蹟;被損毀之物
常用 權威
1. 保修期過了三天,我就把它弄壞了。
The warranty ran out three days before I broke it.
2. 沒什麼大不了的,但你要小心,他弄壞了別人的車。
Nothing serious, mind you, but he damaged someone's car.
3. \但是你把你可愛的衣服都弄壞了!\她的母親喊道。
\But you've spoiled (損壞) all your lovely clothes!\ shouted her mother.
4. 明明是他弄壞的,還愣說不是。
There is no doubt that he broke it, but he perversely denied it.
5. 這件事必須弄好, 不許弄壞。
You must do it well and not bungle it.
6. “我弄壞了你的車,”她招認道。
I damaged your car,' she confessed.
7. 不要彎折那些線,會弄壞它們的。
Don't bend the wires down, it'll break them.
8. 別折那些書頁的角, 會弄壞的。
Don't bend the corners of the pages down, it damages them.
9. 那部有毛病的割草機把草坪弄壞了.
The faulty lawnmower chewed the grass up.
10. 我的眼鏡在打籃球時給弄壞了。
My glasses got broken while I was playing basket-ball.
動詞 ruin; make a mess of sth