五花肉的英文 五花肉用英語怎麼說?
streaky pork
常用 權威
1. 當然,我要用到的是五花肉。
And of course it's got to be streaky for me as well.
2. 我比較喜歡吃這裡烤的五花肉,很香。
I prefer to eat here baked wild-pigs, very sweet.
3. 我們拿一塊脖子肉,一塊肥肉和一塊五花肉。
We take a piece of neck, a piece of fat and a piece consisting both of meat and fat.
4. 一大塊五花肉。對,這就是我想向你們展示的。
A nice hunk of that. Right, that's what I'm gonna give you.
5. 五花肉 、 鮮香菇洗淨切成半釐米見方的小丁.
Pork, fresh mushrooms and wash, and cut half a centimeter square Xiaoding.
6. 將五花肉切成薄片, 豆腐切片, 下入煮沸的鍋中.
Cut into streaky pork thin slice, bean curd slice, bottom go into boil of pot in.
7. 蔬菜在底部,肥肉融化在五花肉裡,肉汁會澆在蔬菜上。
The veg goes underneath and literally that fat, as it melts off the pork belly, is gonna rain over all those beautiful veggies.
8. 明天就去購物,買點五花肉,點選連結獲取菜譜。下次見。
Go shopping tomorrow, go buy some pork belly, click the link get the recipe. Take care.
9. 他喜歡吃五花肉大蔥餡餅, 可我不喜歡, 覺得太油膩了。
He is fond of pies with shallot and fat, but I don't like it, and feel it's too oily.
10. 五花肉-五花肉營養豐富,容易吸收,有補充皮膚養分、美容的效果。
Streaky pork- The streaky pork nourishment is abundant, easy absorb, have complement skin nutrient, hairdressing of effect.
五花肉又稱肋條肉、三層肉,位於豬的腹部,豬腹部脂肪組織很多,其中又夾帶著肌肉組織,肥瘦間隔,故稱“五花肉”,這部分的肥肉遇熱容易化,瘦肉嫩且最多汁,久煮也不柴,一般人群均可食用。五花肉含有豐富的優質蛋白質和必需的脂肪酸,熱量適量,營養物質比例適中,容易被人體吸收消化,並提供血紅素(有機鐵)和促進鐵吸收的半胱氨酸,能改善缺鐵性貧血。 五花肉的烹飪方式一般有燉煮、爆炒、蒸、烤等,如東坡肉、回鍋肉、梅菜扣肉、粉蒸肉等。 五花肉膽固醇含量比較高,肥胖者和血脂較高者不適宜食用太多;最好不要與高蛋白質的食物同時食用,會導致攝入過多的蛋白質,不利於人體對蛋白質的吸收,還給人體造成負擔,腸胃也無法將垃圾物質排出。 挑選五花肉時,好的五花肉呈現鮮紅色,層層肥瘦相間,肥瘦分佈位置適當,一層一層的,豬皮表面細緻,不會過幹或過油;用手摸下五花肉表面,表面有點幹或略顯溼潤而且不粘手;用手輕輕按壓,質彈性佳,不會松跨。
名詞 streaky pork