人人的英文 人人用英語怎麼說?
everybody pron.每人;人人
everyone pron.每人;人人
常用 權威
1. 人人自危
everyone feels insecure; everyone finds himself in danger
2. 老鼠過街,人人喊打
a rat crossing the street is chased by all―object of public condemnation; extremely unpopular figure [denoting a person or thing hated by everyone]
1. 蜜餞是人人都能享用的美食。
Candied fruit is a treat that everyone can enjoy.
2. 人人都知道魚有益健康。
Everyone knows that fish is good for health.
3. 不分男女老幼,人人都可以參加。
Everyone, regardless of sex or age, can take part.
4. 人人都得守法,再大的官也不例外。
We must all obey the law, not excepting even the highest official.
5. 不論種族、信仰與膚色,人人平等。
All are equal regardless/irrespective of race, creed, or colour.
6. 戲法人人會變,各有巧妙不同。
Many are the magicians, but each has his own tricks. / Every juggler has his own tricks.
7. 決定一旦作出,人人都得遵守。
Once a decision is taken, all must abide by it.
8. 人人都愛那個小寶寶,她也誠然可愛。
Everyone likes the baby; she is really lovely.
9. 那是遮人耳目的幌子,人人都能識透。
That’s a blind. Everyone can see through it.
10. 人人都很策略地迴避他與老闆爭吵之事。
Everyone tactfully refrained from mentioning his argument with the boss.
人人網隸屬於北京人人網互動科技有限公司,創立於2005年12月,是一個網遊諮詢與資源服務平臺。 網站平臺包含人人派對、人人功課、人人音樂等板塊,使用者可以在這一平臺上相互交流、分享資訊、自創內容、玩線上遊戲等,並享受一系列其他服務。 2011年5月4日,人人公司在紐交所上市,股票程式碼為“RENN”。2018年11月,人人公司宣佈將人人網社交平臺業務相關資產,以2000萬美元的現金對價出售予北京多牛互動傳媒股份有限公司。2019年12月30日,北京多牛互動傳媒股份有限公司推出全新的“人人”App 1.1.0版,恢復了人人網時代圍繞同學關係為核心的社交網路定位及其功能,正式迴歸社交市場。
名詞 everybody; everyone
1. 人人為我,我為人人。
All for one and one for all.
2. 人人都有糊塗的時候。
Every man has a fool in his sleeve.
3. 法律面前人人平等。
All people are equal in the eyes of the law. / Everyone is equal before/under the law.
4. 人人有份。
Everyone can have a slice of the pie.
5. 人人過關。
Everyone must pass a test/go through a grilling.
6. 人人有責
everyone bears his share of responsibility (for sth)
7. 人人皆知
be known to all; be universally known