極其重要的英文 極其重要用英語怎麼說?
of vital importance 極重要的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 東北海岸是極其重要的食物來源。
The Northeast Coast is a critically important source of food.
2. 參加藝術活動對孩子的發展是極其重要的。
Participating in the arts is essential for child development.
3. 它是極其重要的,是一種影響到整個國家的精神上的變化。
It was of the extreme importance, a spiritual change which affected the whole state.
4. 他拋開了一切極其重要的國事考慮。
He threw off all weighty considerations of state.
5. 父母作出表率是極其重要的。
It is vitally important that parents should set an example.
6. 我要寫明對一個極其重要的問題的看法。
I'm writing to voice my opinion on an issue of great importance.
7. 時間在談判中極其重要。
Time will be of the essence during negotiations.
8. 保密極其重要。
Secrecy is of vital importance.
9. 在英語中,眼神的接觸極其重要。
Eye contact is extremely important in English.
10. 專業知識對於科技翻譯極其重要。
Technical knowledge is of vital importance for technical translation.
of vital importance