電子郵箱的英文 電子郵箱用英語怎麼說?
electronic mail box
常用 重點詞彙
1. 希望他可以給我一個他的電子郵箱!
I would appreciated if he can give me his email address.
2. 利用電子郵箱實現檔案的儲存和提取。
The use of electronic mail implementation document storage and retrieval.
3. 電子信箱:個人的電子郵箱。
E-Mail: Thee e-mail address of the contact person.
4. 全部3層的密碼會發送到您的電子郵箱。
Password All 3 levels temporary password will be sent to your primary email account.
5. 如果你是幸運兒之一,請密切留意你的電子郵箱!
Remember to check your mailbox if you are one of the winners.
6. 如今,雜誌社透過電子郵箱來閱讀大量的讀者反饋。
Magazines these days receive the bulk of their reader correspondence through e-mail.
7. 你將在你的電子郵箱中收到你發給他的信件之複製。
You will receive a copy of it in your mail box soon.
8. 那麼假如有人忘記電子郵箱的密碼呢?我想可以仿此辦理。
I imagine it would work the same that it does for forgotten email account passwords.
9. 大一時,我在華工的機房申請了第一個QQ號碼和電子郵箱。
When I was a freshman, I applied for my first QQ number and email-box in SCUT's computer room.
10. 一些網站每日提供簡短的英語課文,傳送到你的電子郵箱或手機。
Some websites offer daily, short English lessons sent to your email or your phone.
電子郵件(email、e-mail),簡稱電郵,是一種用電子手段提供資訊交換的通訊方式,也是網際網路應用最廣的服務。 電子郵件可以是文字、影象、聲音等多種形式。它極大地方便了人與人之間的溝通與交流,促進了社會的發展。
electronic mail box