良好的英文 良好用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-28



good adj.合意的;滿意的;合格的;勝任的;善的;有德行的;讓人高興的;令人愉快的;令人滿意的;徹底的;天哪;啊呀

fine adj.優質的;高品質的;纖細的;晴朗的;在三柱門後面的;好的;行的;健康的;壯觀的;令人滿意的;允許的

常用 權威



1. 信譽良好

enjoy a good reputation

2. 狀態良好

be in good form

3. 信用良好

have excellent credit

4. 校風良好

a fine school spirit

5. 膘情良好

be fattening well

6. 培養良好情趣

cultivate good taste

7. 自我感覺良好

feel good about oneself

8. 良好作業規範

good manufacturing practice (GMP)

9. 顯示良好的判斷力

exhibit good judgement

10. 合作的良好勢頭

good momentum for co-operation

11. 保持良好的紀律

keep good discipline

12. 致以良好的祝願

with best wishes

13. 培植良好的班風

foster a good class spirit

14. 養成良好的品格

develop a fine personality

15. 表現出良好的形象

project a favourable image

16. 樹立良好的企業形象

foster a good company image

17. 建立良好的社會秩序

establish good social order

18. 選擇色澤良好的菸草

choose better coloured tobacco leaves

19. 良好的國際收支狀況

healthy balance-of-payments position


1. 他們強調要與員工保持良好關係。

They make it a point to be on good terms with their employees.

2. 靜聽是我們應該具備的良好品質。

Listening silently is a good quality that we should have.

3. 良好的日常安排將是最有效的。

The well-structured daily plans would be most effective.

4. 每天做運動會使人保持良好的狀態。

Doing sports daily will make people stay in good condition.

5. 良好的管理是承載大量遊客的關鍵。

Good management is key to handling large crowds of visitors.

6. 受過良好教育的父母很少體罰孩子。

Physical punishment is used much less by well-educated parents.

7. 你應該對英語或法語有良好的掌握。

You should have a good command (掌握) of either English or French.

8. 良好禮儀教育專案已經被很好地實施。

A project of good manners education has been well carried out.

9. 好奇心通常被認為是一種良好的本能。

Curiosity is often considered a good instinct.

10. 藝術與科學的合作得到了良好的回應。

Art-science collaborations have received favorable responses.



良好(英文:good),讀音liáng hǎo,漢語詞語,指的是令人滿意;好。例句有“我國的經濟一直保持著快速發展的良好勢頭”。 相關古文有“估計情況還是良好!”出自李惠薪《老處女》,相關近義詞有傑出、精良、優越,反義詞有惡劣。



形詞 good; fine

1. 小麥長勢良好。

The wheat is growing well.

2. 她的身體狀況良好。

She is in good health. / She is well.

3. 國民經濟執行良好。

The performance of the national economy is satisfactory.

4. 良好的開端是成功的一半。

Well begun is half done.

5. 營造良好的工作環境

create good working environments/conditions

6. 養成良好的習慣

form/cultivate good habits

7. 受過良好的訓練

be well-trained; have received good training

8. 打下良好的基礎

lay a sound/solid foundation

9. 創造良好的氣氛

create a favourable atmosphere (for sth)

10. 表達良好的祝願

express one's good wishes (to sb)

11. 良好的聲譽

good/favourable reputation/fame

12. 良好的比賽風格

good/fine sportsmanship

13. 自我感覺良好

feel good/fine; be self-content/self-assertive

14. 願望良好

have good intentions/wishes

15. 印象良好

have a good/favourable impression

16. 關係良好

be on good terms; have good relationships (with sb)

形詞 good (in grading sb's paper, homework, etc)

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