袋的英文 袋用英語怎麼說?
bag n.包;袋子;全部獵物;袋;老惡婆;醜婆娘;松垂的褲子;愛好;品味
sack n.麻袋;布袋;厚紙袋;塑膠袋;大袋;寬鬆的衣服;床;開除;解僱;壘;擒抱樞紐前衛;洗劫;劫掠;薩克葡萄酒
pocket n.衣袋;小塊;腰包;袋子;錢袋;兜;袋;檯球袋;個人的經濟狀況;孤立群體
pouch n.小袋子;育兒袋;眼袋;郵袋;送物袋;動物袋囊;頰袋
常用 權威
1. 袋狸鼠
bandicoot rat
2. 答卷袋
parcel of examination scripts
3. 投遞袋
postbag; mailbag; mail pouch
4. 梳妝袋
5. 工具袋
tool/kit bag; utility pouch; work bag
6. 過濾袋
filter bag
7. 高爾夫球袋
golf bag
8. 授粉袋
pollination bag
9. 廢品袋
litter bag
10. 菸絲袋
tobacco pouch
11. 塑封袋
zipper storage bag
12. 卡片袋
card pocket
13. 抽菸袋
smoke a pipe
14. 弓箭袋
bow case
15. 風向袋
wind sleeve/sock
16. 運輸袋
shipping bag
17. 清潔袋
rubbish bag
1. 一家商店一天之內就收到了數千袋二手舊物。
One store received thousands of bags of used possessions in one day.
2. 最後,他們的收集袋太重了,他們不得不用雙臂抱著。
Al last, their collection bags were so heavy that they had to hold them with both arms.
3. 他僥倖擊粉球入袋,贏了這一局。
He fluked the pink to win the frame.
4. 母球撞擊了倒數第二個紅球后入袋。
Going in-off on the penultimate red.
5. 臥室裡有茶壺、袋茶和速溶咖啡.
The bedroom have a kettle with tea bag and sachet of instant coffee.
6. 在漢頓伯格號裡有16袋可燃氣.
The Hindenburg had 16 bags of gas inside it.
7. 所有員工撿到的垃圾多達50袋。
The staff picked up as many as 50 bags of garbage.
8. 防洪袋之間可用鐵絲、麻繩相連.
The preventing bag can use wire or jute line to connect.
9. 癌症初期,袋獾的面部生出腫瘤。
This cancer starts out as a tumor on their faces.
10. 裝袋:將上述配料裝入食用菌袋;
Bagging: the ingredients are loaded in an edible fungus bag;
袋(dài),漢字,上下結構。指用布或皮做的盛東西的器物,也可作量詞,指用布或皮做的盛東西的器物。可組詞為袋子、布袋、口袋等。 相關詩詞有《南史·羊鴉仁傳》“羊骨雜他骨,作五袋盛之。”
名詞 bag; sack; pocket; pouch
1. 塑膠袋
plastic bag
2. 打包袋
doggy/doggie bag
3. 購物袋
shopping bag
4. 草袋
hay bag
5. 表袋
watch pocket
量詞 bag
1. 一袋麵粉
a sack of flour
2. 一袋米
a bag of rice
量詞 pouch
1. 一袋煙的工夫
time needed to smoke a pipe—a short while
2. 一袋煙
a pouch of tobacco