總體上的英文 總體上用英語怎麼說?
in the mass 整個;整體
as a whole 整體看來, 總體上
常用 重點詞彙
1. 總體上,中國本輪疫情流行高峰已經過去。
The epidemic (流行病) peak had passed in China as a whole.
2. 外星人——哦,我的意思是人類,總體上是不友善的。
The aliens — oops, I mean humans, have been unkind, overall.
3. 總體上很好。
It’s been good altogether.
4. 他認為記者總體上都是討厭的人。
He regarded journalists as a whole as a pestilent race.
5. 現在的儀器總體上比以前做得好。
Instruments are generally better made these days.
6. 法國總體上趨於左傾的那十年。
A decade when France was moving generally to the left.
7. 該計劃總體上已達成一致。
The plan has been agreed in outline.
8. 英語總體上無屈折變化。
English is largely uninflected.
9. 總體上投票熱烈,但是也有混亂。
Over all, there seemed much eagerness to vote, but also confusion.
10. 總體上,他的建議令我更加信服。
Overall, her advice is reassuring.
in the mass; as a whole