賣光的英文 賣光用英語怎麼說?
sell up 變賣資產;賣光;賣掉
clear out 迅速離開;清理,整理
1. 他的新小說很受歡迎,上週就賣光了。
His new novel is very popular and it was sold out last week.
2. 凱利的乳酪蛋糕在夜市半小時內就賣光了。
Kelly's cheese cakes were sold out within half an hour at the night market.
3. 很清楚,這些演出的票不會全賣光
It was clear that the performances would not sell out.
4. 請問賣光的是車子還是新奇裝置?
He buys a car with a cool device, which is sold out now.
5. 這些暢銷書尚未陳列就賣光了。
The bestsellers were sold out before they were displayed.
6. 這部片子很好看,票都賣光了。
The film is so interesting that all the tickets (are sold out).
7. 他的微薄財產一件一件地都賣光了.
The few possessions that he had were sold one by one.
8. 很遺憾,我最喜歡的那種酒賣光了。
S a pity they sold out the wine I like most of all.
9. 這家藥店裡治咳嗽的藥賣光了
This drugstore has sold out all the cough medicine.
10. 所有關於網路的書都賣光了。
All books concerning the Internet were sold out.