大字標題的英文 大字標題用英語怎麼說?
banner headline n.通欄大標題
streamer n.長條;條幅;橫幅;飄帶;通欄標題;蟲形釣魚鉤;流光;光冪
常用 重點詞彙
1. 通欄大字標題
banner (newspaper) headline; banner
1. 大字標題並沒有誇大狄更斯的受歡迎程度。
The headline was not overstating (誇大) the popularity of Dickens.
2. 大字標題在螢幕上閃現了一下。
The Palace Theater headlines a magician.
3. 編輯正在為晚報安排大字標題.
The editor was heading up the title for the evening newspaper.
4. 一天早上, 我瞥了一眼報紙上的大字標題.
One morning, I cast a glance at the headlines of the newspaper.
5. 以通欄大字標題在報紙上發表(某個故事或某條訊息)
To give a banner headline to (a story or an item) in a newspaper.
6. 在(報紙的)頭版上出現了一條令人觸目驚心的粗黑體大字標題.
A bold black headline screamed out from the front page.
7. 你郵寄地址簽上的大字標題會提醒你,你的會員資格什麼時候到期.
The top line of your mailing label will tell you when your membership expires.
8. 西班牙日報《世界報》在其網站上用大字標題寫道:“西班牙!西班牙!
\Spain, Spain, Spain!\ screamed the daily El Mundo in a headline on its website.
9. 英國商船隊的大名如今已很少見諸報紙上的大字標題,它已幾乎被人們遺忘。
Britain's merchant navy seldom grabs the headlines these days; it is almost a forgotten industry.
10. 前幾天我路經一個廣告牌,上面大字標題寫著:「浪費思想是件可怕的事」。
I passed a billboard the other day that proclaimed in bold letters, \A mind is a terrible thing to waste. \
banner headline; bannerline; streamer