數千的英文 數千用英語怎麼說?
thousands of 數千;成千
thousands n.數千;(thousand的複數)
常用 重點詞彙
1. 相去數千裡
be thousands of kilometres apart
1. 在美國,數千人過早地死於相關疾病。
Thousands die prematurely in the U.S. as a result of related illnesses.
2. 人們在烏魯木齊市郊種植了數千棵樹。
People planted thousands of trees in the suburb of the city, Urumqi.
3. 家長們被要求支付數千英鎊。
Parents are being asked for thousands of pounds.
4. 一家商店一天之內就收到了數千袋二手舊物。
One store received thousands of bags of used possessions in one day.
5. 如果9級地震發生,預計將造成數千人傷亡。
Thousands of casualties are expected if a 9.0 earthquake were to occur.
6. 此外,從牆上掉下來的數千塊碎片也被找到了。
In addition, thousands of fragments that fell off the walls have been recovered.
7. 銷售一件作品可以給這位年輕的藝術家帶來數千美元的收入。
The sale of a single piece can earn the young artist thousands of dollars.
8. 工廠的倒閉奪走了數千人的生計。
The bankruptcy of the factory took away the livelihood of thousands.
9. 漢尼拔精通的數千個詭計和手段。
The thousand shifts and devices of which Hannibal was a master.
10. 巡邏隊深入敵後數千英里搜尋。
Patrols ranged thousands of miles deep into enemy territory.
thousands of; thousands