流的英文 流用英語怎麼說?
wander v.漫遊;漫步;閒逛;迷路;偏移;離開正道;蜿蜒;漫步於;不忠
drift v.飄;漂流;被吹積;隨便慢慢走動;任其自然地(或不知不覺地)進入;離題;分散
spread v.攤開;鋪開;展開;蔓延;延伸;塗抹;塗;敷;擺桌子以備進餐;把飯菜擺在(餐桌)上
circulate v.迴圈;環流;流通;在社交場合四處走動;給(一組人)散發
degenerate adj.衰退的;墮落的;退化的;簡併的
banish v.放逐;流放;清除;廢除
Flowing Water n.《流水》(古琴曲名)
current adj.當前的;現時的;流行的;通用的;通行的
flow v.流;流動;流出;來自;富有;順利進行;漲潮;水位上升;飄拂
class n.等級;種類;品種;社會等級;班;班級;課;課程;階層;社會階級
rate n.比率;率;價格;費用;速率;速度;費率;進度;不動產稅
grade n.級別;分數;年級;梯度;斜坡;與純種雜交改良的牛;(Grade)人名:格雷德
lumen n.流明;腔
常用 權威
1. 火山泥流
2. 重力流
gravity current
3. 反向流
reverse flow; countercurrent
4. 由西向東流
flow from west to east
5. 壅塞流
choked flow
6. 流哈喇子
slobber; dribble
7. 夸克流
quark current
8. 噴氣流
jet stream/flow
9. 風生洋麵流
wind-driven ocean-surface current
1. 無人駕駛飛機可能會飛走,並被噴氣流捲住,然後被吹走。
Drones can become flyaways, and can be caught up on a jet stream (噴氣流) and blown away.
2. 他腳上的瘡流了好幾天膿。
The sore on his foot has run for quite a few days.
3. 他屬下流階層的人。
He is a man of inferior rank.
4. 太陽連續發散出的能量流。
The continual stream of energy which radiates from the sun.
5. 我為那些讓你流的淚而抱歉。 。
Im sorry for the tears Ive made you cry.
6. 離線時無法初始化工作流資料夾。
You cannot initialize the workflow folder while offline.
7. 如果有淚,現在就準備流出來吧!
If You Lei, now ready to come out!
8. 空間站低噪聲流擴散器和限定器。
Space Station low noise flow diffusers and restrictors.
9. 過年了,很多人都在回籠資金流。
Chinese New Year, and many people are repatriating their capital stream.
10. 而開始流電磁離合器制動器逮捕。
Clutches start the flow while brakes arrest it.
[p] 《流》作於1964年,是英國著名女畫家布里奇特·路易斯·賴利(Bridget Louise Riley,1931~)有名的黑白繪畫系列中的一幅。線條之間的關係似乎經過了仔細的推算和精心的編排,在畫面上造成波折流轉的效果。當眼睛盯著它時,畫面便不斷地起伏波動,“流”的幻覺產生了。[/p]
動詞 (of liquid) flow
1. 戰場上血流成河。
The battlefield flowed with rivers of blood.
2. 一江春水向東流。
A spring river flows east.
3. 水從管子向外流。
Water flowed from the pipe.
4. 傷口流膿。
The wound is festering.
5. 淚水從她眼中流出。
Tears streamed from her eyes.
6. 該國黃金外流。
Gold flowed out of the country.
7. 流口水
slaver; slobber; drool; water at the mouth
8. 流汗
perspire; sweat
9. 流鼻涕
have a running/runny nose
動詞 move from place to place; wander; drift
動詞 spread; circulate; pass down to/on
動詞 change for the worse; degenerate
名詞 flowing water; stream of water
名詞 something resembling the stream of water; current; flow
名詞 part/branch of a river that is away from its source
名詞 class; rate; grade
動詞 banish; send into exile (as a kind of punishment in ancient times)
形詞 flowing like water
名詞 people of a certain sort
名詞 lumen