成年的英文 成年用英語怎麼說?
grow up 長大;發展, 形成;成熟;變得理智和現實
year in, year out 年復一年;一年又一年
常用 權威
1. 成年人
adult; grown-up; adult/grown-up person
2. 未成年人
person under legal age; minor
3. 成年硬皮病
scleroderma adultorum
4. 成年生活
adult life
5. 行將成年
approach adulthood
6. 成年累月
all (the) year round; year in, year out; year after year; for years on end; month after month, year after year
7. 成年象
adult elephant
8. 成年材
adult wood
9. 成年樹
full-grown tree
10. 從幼年到成年
from childhood to adulthood
11. 未成年的國王
minor king
1. 成年寵物豬不應重超過150磅。
An adult pet pig should not weigh more than 150 pounds.
2. 她研究了成年吸菸者的吸菸模式。
She studied the smoking patterns of adult smokers.
3. 他們被教導要順從和尊重成年人。
They are taught to be compliant and respectful to adults.
4. 這樣的想法讓很多成年人感到尷尬。
Such an idea makes many adults feel embarrassed.
5. 成年人理解被各種物品淹沒的感覺。
Adults understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects.
6. 這些廣告向成年人宣傳雛鳥的存在。
These advertise the presence of chicks to adults.
7. 蟬成年後,在炎熱的夏天大聲歌唱。
After a cicada becomes an adult, it sings loudly in hot summer.
8. 約翰成年後,比他兒時的玩伴更加富裕。
When John reached adulthood, he was better off than his childhood playmates.
9. 它們有時會嚇到成年人。
They could sometimes terrify adults.
10. 他們遠比成年人好奇。
They are far more curious than adults.
成年(讀音:chéng nián),漢語詞語。指人發育到已經成熟的年齡。也指其他事物發展到成熟期。還指一年到頭。例句有“在福州,文化館向未成年人免費開放,一改假日門可羅雀的冷清場面,許多人更是舉家出動”。 相關句子有“老爺麼,成年在外面陪朋友玩耍,抽菸,吃酒。”出自丁玲《母親》一。反義詞有幼年。
動詞 grow up; grow to adulthood; be/come of age
1. 年輕人長到十八歲就算成年了。
A young person is considered to have come of age at 18.
2. 從幼年到成年
from childhood to adulthood
3. 行將成年
approach adulthood
4. 完全成年
be completely adult; fully access to adult life
5. 尚未成年
be under age; be a minor; still in (one's) minority
6. 成年生活
adult life
7. 達到成年
attain full age; come of age; reach an adult age; reach maturity
副詞 all year long; all (the) year round; throughout the whole year; year in, year out
1. 成年在外出差
be away on business all year round