下列的英文 下列用英語怎麼說?
the following 以下;下列;以下內容
常用 權威
1. 邀請下列人員
invite those listed below
2. 按下列順序
in the following order
3. 下列人員獲勝
the winners are as follows
4. 為下列產品報價
quote for the following items
1. 請將下列英文譯成漢文。
Please translate the following passage from English into Chinese.
2. 注意下列幾點。
Pay attention to the following points.
3. 下列兩句都是語法正確的句子。
The following are both grammatically correct sentences.
4. 從下列方程式中找出未知數。
Find the unknown in the following equations.
5. 就在下列適當的小框中打鉤。
Just tick the appropriate box below.
6. 在模型匯入器嚮導中指定下列
Specify the following in the model importer wizard
7. 下列貨物的出關手續已正式結清.
The customs formalities for the exportation of the following cargo have been duly completed.
8. 本合同須滿足下列條件方始生效.
This contract is binding subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions.
9. 下列資料主要與中國銀行業相關.
The information set forth below is mainly about the PRC banking sector.
10. 意思:輸出錯誤檔案到下列位置.
Output error file to following location.
詞目:下列 拼音:xià liè
形詞 listed below; the following
1. 下列人員請起立!
Will the following please stand up?
2. 注意下列幾點。
Pay attention to the following points.
3. 邀請下列人員
invite those listed below
4. 下列人員獲勝
the winners are as follows
5. 下列商品
goods/articles enumerated hereunder
6. 下列貨物/建議
the following goods/suggestions