有精神的英文 有精神用英語怎麼說?
spiritedness n.有精神;活潑;勇敢
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他擅長處理有精神問題的人。
He was good at dealing with people who were mentally ill.
2. 這個家族有精神病史。
There was a history of mental illness in the family.
3. 有精神錯亂徵兆(幻想或怪想法)
Have signs of psychosis (hallucinations or bizarre thoughts)
4. 這聽起來象說某人有精神問題。
It sounded like an account of someone with a psychiatric disorder.
5. 想要與戴利亞同步,得很有精神頭才行.
You would have to show some spirit to make the grade with Dahlia.
6. 我想你們都很想知道,到底是誰有精神病。
And I thought you might like to know who you are.
7. 但一隻游泳的老鼠怎麼告訴你它有
Okay. But what does a swimming mouse tell you about psychosis?
8. 這對我來說,強烈暗示有精神在地方保護。
This, to me, strongly suggests there is spiritual protection in place.
9. 4.有精神系統疾病和精神病的人不能接種.
The person of invigorative system disease and mental disease cannot vaccinal. 5.
10. 他既是一個詩人、又是一個有精神問題的人。
He was both a poet and a person with mental problem.
spiritedness; chirk