拼命的英文 拼命用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-25



do one's level best 竭盡全力

常用 權威



1. 拼命吃

eat like there's no tomorrow

2. 拼命反對

make strenuous opposition; oppose strongly

3. 拼命三郎

forthright and reckless person

4. 拼命爭取

strain after (for)

5. 拼命精神

death-defying spirit

6. 拼命打

fight sb tooth and nail

7. 拼命追趕

be in full chase

8. 拼命掙扎

struggle desperately

9. 拼命喝酒

drink oneself to death

10. 拼命討價還價

drive a hard bargain; bargain


1. 湯姆拼命尋找去年賬目的影印件。

Tom went frantic trying to find copies of last year's accounts.

2. 你必須拼命擠進車廂,遠離別人的熱水。

You have to fight your way into the carriage (車廂), and keep away from others' hot water.

3. 我拼命跑,但沒能追上。

I ran desperately but failed to catch up.

4. 這隻兔子拼命地跑著,似乎一點兒也沒有受傷。

The rabbit ran so desperately(拼命地) that it seemed not to have been hurt at all.

5. 沒想到拼命幹反倒落了一身不是。

I never thought that my hard work earned me nothing but blame.

6. 為了早點兒完成工作,他們都在拼命地幹。

They’re working like crazy to get the work done early. / They’re breaking their neck trying to finish the work early.

7. 我和你拼命

I’ll fight with you regardless of life or death.

8. 他爛醉如泥,還拼命地唱個不停。

He was drunk as a newt and singing his head off.

9. 他的母親從臺邊區拼命為他加油。

His mother rooted him on enthusiastically from ringside.

10. 最糟糕的事就是你拼命踩剎車。

The worst thing you can do is mash the brake pedal.



拼命:pīn mìng   1.to be ready to risk one's life (in fighting, work, etc.)   其它相關解釋:    full pelt> split> peril of> dong> worth> beat hell>   例句與用法:   1.他拼命在她的書桌裡搜尋那封信。   He was rifling through her desk in a desperate search for the letter.   2.她拼命把他顯露出來。   She bend over backwards to show it.   3.假使她獲得這份工作,那對彼得是當頭一棒;他是拼命想得到這份工作的。   If she gets the job, that's one in the eye for Peter: he was desperate to get it.   4.雖然他拼命向她求愛,但她還是拒絕了他的殷勤。   Although he tried desperately to make love to her, she repulsed his attentions.   5.他為了養家不得不去拼命工作。   He had to work hard for the maintenance of his family.   1.把性命豁出去;以性命相拼.2.盡最大的力量;極度地



動詞 risk one's life; defy death; go all out regardless of danger

1. 我和你拼命。

I'll fight with you regardless of life or death.

2. 跟歹徒拼命

risk one's life with the rascals

動詞 do sth with all one's might; do one's level best; exert the utmost strength; do sth for all one is worth

1. 為了早點兒完成工作,他們都在拼命地幹。

They're working like crazy to get the work done early. / They're breaking their neck trying to finish the work early.

2. 拼命追趕

be in full chase

3. 拼命掙扎

struggle desperately

4. 拼命討價還價

drive a hard bargain; bargain

5. 拼命跑

run for all one is worth; run as fast as one's feet can carry him

6. 拼命獲取利潤

get as much profit as possible; squeeze as much profit as possible out of

7. 拼命喝酒

drink oneself to death

8. 拼命工作

keep one's nose to the grindstone; slave at the work; work with all one's might; work like mad; work like crazy/the devil; work like a horse/dog/slave; work one's fingers/oneself to the bone

9. 拼命反對

make strenuous opposition; oppose strongly

10. 拼命打

fight sb tooth and nail

11. 拼命吃

eat like there's no tomorrow
