排斥的英文 排斥用英語怎麼說?
repel v.擊退;趕走;驅逐;使反感;使厭惡;拒絕接受;排斥;與…不融合;抗;抵禦
exclude v.不準…進入;把… 排斥在外;不讓…進入;開除;對…不予考慮;把…排除在外;防止…的發生
reject v.拒絕;抵制;厭棄;拒絕接受;不同意;嫌棄;排斥
resist v.抵抗;抵禦;抵制;反抗;阻止;忍住;掙扎;抵禦…誘惑
repulse v.擊退;趕走;使反感;使厭惡;堅拒;回絕;拒絕接受
ostracize v.放逐;流放;對(不受歡迎或權力過大的公民)實行陶片放逐
常用 權威
1. 排斥性
repellence; repellency
2. 互相排斥
be mutually exclusive
3. 一概排斥
totally exclude
4. 排斥移植
reject a transplant
5. 排斥異己
exclude outsiders; discriminate against dissenters/outsiders; remove those who disagree with oneself; exclude those who hold different views; push aside people with different opinions; reject those different from oneself
6. 移植排斥反應
7. 被排斥在外
be rejected as an outsider
8. 排斥外來器官
reject an alien organ
9. 自我排斥的性取向
egodystonic sexual orientation
1. 掌握一件事而排斥其他事會阻礙你真正的意志。
Mastering one thing to the exclusion of others can hold back your true spirit.
2. 正如這些發現所顯示,鍛鍊和學習可能並不排斥。
As these findings show, exercise and academics may not be mutually exclusive.
3. 他們把他排斥在他們的圈子之外。
They shut him out from their circle.
4. 拒絕參加罷工的人受到工友的排斥。
Those who refused to join the strike were ostracized by their workmates.
5. 同種電荷相互排斥,異種電荷相互吸引。
Like charges repel and unlike charges attract.
6. 同性磁極互相排斥,異性磁極互相吸引。
Like magnetic poles repel each other and unlike magnetic poles attract each other.
7. 在很多情況下,接受者的身體排斥異體移植。
In many cases, the recipient’s body rejects an alien tissue transplant.
8. 我在我自己的同類中遭到排斥。
I was an outcast among my own kind.
9. 高等教育繼續在排斥和邊緣化女學生。
Higher education continues to exclude and marginalize female students.
10. 帶電的物體互相吸引或排斥。
Electrically charged objects attract or repel one another.
排斥(英文:repel),讀音pái chì,漢語詞語,指的是排擠斥逐;排除駁斥。例句有“我們一貫強調自力更生,但也不排斥外援”。 相關古文有“雖時有忠公,而竟見排斥。”出自《後漢書·宦者傳序》,相關近義詞有傾軋、摒棄、摒除、,反義詞有親切、拉攏、安插。
動詞 repel; exclude; reject; resist; repulse; ostracize
1. 他們把他排斥在他們的圈子之外。
They shut him out from their circle.
2. 拒絕參加罷工的人受到工友的排斥。
Those who refused to join the strike were ostracized by their workmates.
3. 被排斥在外
be rejected as an outsider
4. 相互排斥
be mutually exclusive; repel each other
5. 排斥外來器官
reject an alien organ