遵守承諾的英文 遵守承諾用英語怎麼說?
keep one's words; keep a promise; honor commitments
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我毫不懷疑他會遵守承諾作出改變。
I have no doubt he himself is committed to see this through.
2. 我們每個人都遵守承諾很重要。
It's crucial that all of us keep our commitments.
3. 她不理會自己不能遵守承諾的事實,熱心地答應了。
Conveniently overlooking the fact that she wouldn't be able to meet the commitment, she agreed enthusiastically.
4. 同時,我們無法忍受單方面遵守承諾,而他們不遵守承諾。
At the same time, we cannot tolerate unilateral fulfillment of our commitments and no commitment from their side.
5. 但是, 農業部長羅伯託·羅覺果斯告誡生產商要遵守承諾.
However, Agriculture Minister Roberto Rodrigues warned producers that they must meet commitments.
6. 首次獲取專注與保持專注的區別和做出承諾與遵守承諾沒什麼兩樣。
The difference between capturing attention in the first place and sustaining it is nothing short of the difference between making a promise and keeping it.
7. 不要發一封email或者打個電話解釋下你打算遵守承諾,可是你沒有時間,更不想半途而廢。
Send an email or make a phone call and explain that you’d love to keep doing the commitment but you just don’t have the time and don’t want to half-ass it.
keep one's words; keep a promise; honor commitments