順便提一下的英文 順便提一下用英語怎麼說?
incidentally adv.順便提及地;附加地;偶然地
by the way 順便說說, 順便提起;在路上, 在途中
常用 重點詞彙
1. 順便提一下,他們夫妻相當富有。
They both,by the way,had considerable means of their own.
2. 順便提一下,這裡有一些區塊。
And there're regions here by the way.
3. 噢,順便提一下,牛排要煮爛一些。
Oh , by the way, I want the steak well-done.
4. 順便提一下,我不要夜航班機。
A:By the way,I don't want a night flight.
5. 順便提一下,那次營救做得恰如其分。
And by the way, that rescue has done what it was supposed to.
6. 順便提一下,SAS正是這樣收費的。
Incidentally, that's how SAS charges for their software.
7. 順便提一下,作者節略了上述的故事。
By the way , the author abridged the above - mentioned story.
8. 順便提一下,前面的 scp 命令等價於
By the way, the previous scp command is the equivalent of running
9. 順便提一下,我已經和男朋友確定關係了。
By the way, I've splinted with my boyfriend.
10. 順便提一下,這是正餐。
By the way, it is a dinner.
incidentally; by the way