切換的英文 切換用英語怎麼說?
cut v.切;割;剪下;切削;把…切碎;切出;割成;修剪;削減;使隔絕;怠慢;不理睬;與…相交;停拍;停錄;抽牌;籤牌;削;使(藥物;酒)摻假;符合要求
change over 轉變成;交換角色;交換職責
常用 權威
1. 切換裝置
switching device; shifter
2. 節目切換器
cut key
3. 切換繼電器
transfer relay
4. 切換順序
sequence of switching; relay sequence
5. 切換方式
switching mode
6. 節目切換控制檯
programme switching console
7. 影片切換臺
(video-frequency) cut bank
1. 為將文字切換至主機而設計的系統。
A system designed to offload the text on to a host computer.
2. 切換到牙醫診室。
Cut to a dentist's surgery.
3. 自動切換電熱鑷子及烙鐵雙功能.
Auto shift to tweezers or soldering iron function.
4. 裝上5種寶石,自由的切換它們。
Equip up to 5 Gems, and switch them freely.
5. 常規模式與滿屏模式下進行切換。
Common mode and full screen mode switchover freely.
6. 切換 SQL 檢驗所用的資料庫
Switch database for SQL validation
7. 表面處理線要求手動與自動切換.
Surface Disposing Line requires switching at hand - control and autocontrol.
8. 第三章研究饋電鏈路的切換方案。
Chapter 3 makes research on feeder link handover scheme.
9. 並在兩者之間輕鬆、隨意地切換。
To move smoothly and effortlessly between the two
10. 旋轉手機現在可以切換鎖定狀態。
Rotating the phone can now toggle lock state.
動詞 cut; change over
1. 同時在幾套節目中相互切換
flip among several shows at once
2. 影片切換臺
(video-frequency) cut bank
3. 節目切換器
cut key
4. 切換裝置
switching device; shifter
5. 切換順序
sequence of switching; relay sequence
6. 切換方式
switching mode
7. 切換鏡頭
cut from one shot to another
8. 切換話題
change the subject of conversation; switch to another topic