苗的英文 苗用英語怎麼說?
seedling n.幼苗
descendant n.子孫;後裔;後代;後繼型產品
shoot v.射死;射傷;射中;急速移動;射門;投籃;將…轉向;拍攝;發芽;長苗;注射;準確刨平
root cause 根源;根本原因;根本的原因
vaccine n.疫苗;菌苗;防毒軟體
outcrop n.露頭;露出地表
常用 權威
1. 芽孢苗
spore vaccine
2. 馬鈴薯苗
potato set
3. 結核菌苗
tuberculosis vaccine
1. 天氣寒冷,番茄苗都凍死了。
The cold weather killed the tomato plants.
2. 把草木灰鋪蓋在苗床上。
Spread plant ash evenly over the seedbed.
3. 每年春季我們都在大片大片的貧瘠土地上栽種松樹苗。
Each spring we revegetate acre after acre with pine seedlings.
4. 3.黑木相思試管苗生根和移栽.
Rooting and transplantation of blackwood.
5. 成苗率也是壓條苗甲醛處理最好。
And the planting percent of formaldehyde treated layering plant was the best.
6. 將翡翠苗放入已滾米湯中焯3分鐘。
Add Jade Spouts to the boiling soup and cook for 3 mins.
7. 紫菜苗進行光合作用享受陽光空氣。
Young laver plants can enjoy sunshine and undergo photosynthesis.
8. 脫毒馬鈴薯苗的快速繁殖技術.
Research on Stem - apex Meristem Culture and Rapid Reproduction Technology of Sweet Potato.
9. 腳下滑一跤,勝過甜頭惹禍苗.
Better the foot slip than the tongue.
10. 苗李走到一半,千風出現在苗李身後。
Miao Li walked to the half, a thousand winds appeared behind the seedlings.
苗(讀音:miáo),漢語漢字,總筆畫8畫,上下結構。作名詞時,指禾苗,未吐穗的莊稼;也指禾穀之實;又指初生的動物。作動詞時,指莊稼出苗;也指夏天的狩獵。組詞為魚苗、疫苗。 該字相關古文有“苗,草生於田者。”出自《說文》。
名詞 seedling; young plant
1. 移苗
transplant seedlings
2. 間/疏苗
thin out seedlings/young shoots
3. 扶苗
put a lodged plant upright
4. 蹲苗
restrain the growth of seedlings for root development
5. 出/起苗
harvest seedlings
6. 補苗
fill the gaps with seedlings
7. 拔苗
lift/pull up seedlings
8. 一棵/株苗
a seedling
名詞 descendant
1. 他是這家的獨苗兒。
He is the only son and heir to this family.
名詞 (of some vegetables'tender stalks, leaves, etc) seedling; shoot
1. 豆苗
bean seedling
名詞 symptom of a trend; suggestion of a new development; root cause
1. 禍苗
symptom/root cause of a disaster
名詞 young of some domestic/raised animals
名詞 vaccine
名詞 outcrop
名詞 sth resembling a young plant
名詞 ) Miao ethnic group