沿途的英文 沿途用英語怎麼說?
on the way 在去…的路上
常用 權威
1. 沿途站
stop station
2. 沿途貿易
way-port trade
3. 沿途停靠港
port of call
1. 他們一路上飽覽了沿途的秀麗景色。
They have immensely enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way.
2. 沿途每一處都擠滿了人。
Great crowds thronged every inch of the route.
3. 沿途風景優美。
The scenery along the road is very beautiful.
4. 我費心計劃了一條離家很近的路線,沿途是熟悉的鄉村。
I mapped out a route over familiar country near home.
5. 人群聚集在沿途觀看比賽。
Crowds gathered all along the route to watch the race.
6. 沿途我們看到了一些農場和村莊。
We saw some farms and villages along the way.
7. 敵軍逃跑時沿途譭棄了許多武器。
The fleeing enemy abandoned and destroyed many weapons along the road.
8. 售:沿途每一個站我都報(站)的.
I call out all the stops en route.
9. 喀喇崑崙公路沿途的景色壯觀.
The scenery along the KKH is a visual spectacle.
10. 沿途也看到,鄭州的道路非常寬闊。
Along the way to Zhengzhou, people can see wide streets.
詞目:沿途 拼音:yán tú
副詞 on the way; throughout a journey
1. 沿途風景優美。
The scenery along the road is very beautiful.
2. 沿途受到熱烈歡迎
be warmly received throughout the journey
3. 沿途見到許多趣事
see a lot of interesting things on the way