法庭的英文 法庭用英語怎麼說?
tribunal n.仲裁機構;法庭;法官席;審判員席
常用 權威
1. 衡平法庭
equity tribunal
2. 少年法庭
juvenile court;juvenile court
3. 道德法庭
forum of conscience;morals tribunal; forum of conscience
4. 流動法庭
ambulatory court
5. 臨時法庭
provisional/extempore/interim court
6. 調解法庭
court of conciliation
7. 法庭旁聽者
visitor attending a court trial
8. 青少年法庭
juvenile court
9. 法庭辯論
court debate; debate in court
10. 刑事法庭
criminal court
11. 簡易法庭
summary court
12. 海事法庭
admiralty/maritime court
13. 交通法庭
traffic court
14. 法庭裁定
tribunal's decision
15. 法庭證詞
court testimony
16. 法庭審判
court trial
17. 實習法庭
moot court
18. 民事法庭
civil court
19. 派出法庭
detached tribunal
20. 勞資法庭
industrial court
1. 就像他根本不在法庭上一樣!
It was like he wasn't even on the court!
2. 在我做出裁決之前,我希望你離開法庭。
Before I give my verdict, I want you to leave the court.
3. 檢驗法庭證據的可信度。
Test the credibility of court evidence.
4. 然後我希望你明天回到法庭來聽我的裁決。
I then want you back here in court tomorrow to hear my verdict (裁決).
5. Jessica為了歌曲版權問題告上法庭。
Jessica went to court (法院) over the copyright problem of the song.
6. 法庭裁決警察在無搜查令的情況下搜查疑犯的錢包並沒有違反第四號修正案的規定。
The court has ruled that police don't violate the Fourth Amendment.
7. 他一走出法庭,記者便蜂擁而上。
Reporters swarmed upon him as soon as he stepped out of the court.
8. 法庭今日宣判三人有罪,兩人無罪。
There were three convictions and two acquittals in court today.
9. 她挺身為繼母在法庭上申辯。
She stepped forward for the defence of her stepmother in court.
10. 他被提交給軍事法庭審判。
He was handed over to the military tribunal for trial. / He was turned over to be court-martialled.
《法庭》是廣東省高階人民法院主辦的期刊。 2018年11月,入選2018年全國法院優秀期刊。
名詞 (law) court; tribunal; court of justice/law
1. 他被指控藐視法庭。
He was charged with contempt of court.
2. 法庭休庭。
The court is adjourned. / Court adjourned! [as said by a chief justice]
3. 法庭判被告有罪/無罪。
The court found the defendant guilty/innocent. / The court ruled against the defendant/in favour of the defendant.
4. 法庭將於九點開庭。
The court will convene at 9 o'clock.
5. 藐視法庭罪
criminal contempt
6. 仲裁法庭
arbitral tribunal/court
7. 巡回法庭
circuit court
8. 少年法庭
juvenile court
9. 國際法庭
international court/tribunal
10. 道德法庭
forum of conscience
11. 法庭指令
court order
12. 法庭訴訟
court action
13. 法庭審判
court action/trial
14. 法庭判決
verdict; court judgement/decision; judicial decision/ruling
15. 法庭調查
court investigation
16. 法庭裁決
tribunal's decision; court ruling; judicial decision/ruling
17. 法庭辯論
court debate; debate in court
18. 法庭保釋
court bail
19. 法庭案卷
court roll
20. 提上法庭受審
bring sb to court for trial
21. 設立特別法庭
constitute a special tribunal
22. 上法庭
go to court
23. 帶上法庭
bring sb to court