珍藏的英文 珍藏用英語怎麼說?
enshrine v.珍藏;使(權利;傳統;觀念)得到尊重;把…奉為神聖
collection n.聚集;積聚;集中;收取;領取;一批;一群;學院期初考試;文集;詩集
常用 權威
1. 珍藏品
prized/treasured possession(s)
2. 珍藏圖書
rare books
3. 珍藏原作
treasure the original
4. 珍藏楮墨
treasure paper and ink
1. 珍藏已久的藝術作品不斷增長的商業價值。
The ever-growing commercial value of long-cherished artistic works.
2. 此物珍藏多年,但從不輕易示人。
I have kept this for many years but I rarely show it to others.
3. 我不是物品,不是一件供珍藏的藝術品。
I'm not a thing, not a work of art to be cherished.
4. 聖物被珍藏在聖壇下。
Relics are enshrined under altars.
5. 梅峰上珍藏著一幅巨型的山水畫。
On top of Meifeng there is a huge and valuable landscape painting.
6. 他必須儘可能地把愛珍藏在心底。
He must house his love within himself as best he can;
7. 她的珍藏品中有一幅倫勃朗的畫。
There's a Rembrandt in her collection.
8. 我對你的愛並非兒戲,珍藏我心。
My love for you is thoughtful and cherishing.
9. 這座花園有當地植物的最佳珍藏。
This garden has the best collection of native plants.
10. 曬下自己的靚照及私家珍藏照吧…
To sun own dresses up for your perusal and the private collection…
珍藏(英文:collection),讀音為zhēn cáng,漢語詞語,指珍貴的收藏物品,另指視為珍貴而予以收藏。相關例句有“盒子裡那隻白色的小海螺,是媽媽珍藏的寶貝。” 相關近義詞有珍存、珍品、崇尚,反義詞有丟棄、鄙棄。
動詞 collect (rare books, art treasures, etc); enshrine; treasure up
1. 珍藏在心中的回憶
cherished/treasured memories; memories enshrined in one's heart
名詞 collection
1. 捐獻珍藏
donate rare and valuable articles (to)