打分的英文 打分用英語怎麼說?
give a mark; mark/grade (students'papers, etc)
常用 權威
1. 打分很嚴
mark strictly
1. 去一個給老闆打分的網站上將他的沮喪一吐為快。
Pour out his frustrations on a rate-your-employer website.
2. 當我們幾乎沒有機會去使用這些應用軟體時,卻會被催促著給它們打分。
We're prompted to rate our apps when we've barely had a chance to use them.
3. 在測試子集中,我們保留了打分。
For the test subset, we withheld the scores.
4. 瞭解考試和打分系統可以幫你備考。
Understanding the exam and the scoring system can really help you to prepare for the test.
5. 布萊克男士對他兒子打分甚高。
Mr Black imagines highly of his son.
6. 能不能新增一些評論和打分功能呢?
How about some commenting and rating features?
7. 試卷被送往劍橋大學考試委員會打分.
Papers are sent to UCLES for marking.
8. 你必須抄收在紙上,你可以自己打分。
You must copy on paper , so you can grade yourself.
9. 這樣的打分現在就正在進行。
Such scoring is happening right now.
10. 打分時他要考慮哪些因素?
What factors does he take into consideration in determining the grades?
動詞 give a mark; mark/grade (students'papers, etc)
1. 列印象分
do impression marking
2. 給試卷打分
give marks for examination papers; grade/mark examination papers
3. 打分很嚴
mark strictly
4. 打分很高
give (sb) high marks (for sth)