適度的英文 適度用英語怎麼說?
moderate adj.中等的;普通的;一般的;平庸的;穩健的;非激進的
proper adj.真正的;合適的;適當的;恰當的;專屬於… 的;為…所特有的;原色的;漂亮的;好看的;真的;正常的
appropriate adj.適當的;合適的;恰當的;個人的;特殊的;屬於某一個人所特有的;個性的
常用 權威
1. 批評適度
be temperate in one's criticism
2. 需求適度
be moderate in one's demands
3. 適度曝光
correct exposure
4. 長短適度
be of the right length
5. 適度的營養
proper nutrition
6. 適度的睡眠
right amount of sleep
7. 適度的體育鍛煉
moderate amount of physical exercise
1. 相對適度的干預可能會產生巨大的影響。
A relatively modest intervention could have a big impact.
2. 你的行為要適度
Be moderate in what you do.
3. 專家認為,成年人每週需要進行2.5小時的適度鍛鍊。
Experts think adults need to do 2.5 hours of moderate exercise per week.
4. 當僱員得到適當的補償時,僱主的房地產儲蓄將是適度的。
When employees are properly compensated, employers' real estate savings will be modest.
5. 隨意吃飯,適度飲酒。
Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.
6. 發展要適度。
Keep development to an appropriate pace.
7. 他能判斷土壤是否具備耕作適度。
He could determine whether the soil was of the right tilth.
8. 啤酒的高價迫使我適度戒酒。
The price of beer compelled me to maintain a certain level of sobriety.
9. 工會的路線是以加強對話和適度要求為基礎的。
The union's approach was based on increased dialogue and the moderation of demands.
10. 繼續保持適度增長。
Growth continues moderately.
形詞 moderate; proper; appropriate
1. 發展要適度。
Keep development to an appropriate pace.
2. 適度的營養
proper nutrition
3. 適度的體育鍛煉
moderate amount of physical exercise
4. 適度的睡眠
right amount of sleep
5. 需求適度
be moderate in one's demands
6. 批評適度
be temperate in one's criticism
7. 長短適度
be of the right length