沉溺的英文 沉溺用英語怎麼說?
indulge v.沉溺於;肆意享受;放任自己捲入;牽扯入;縱情享受;放縱;縱情滿足;使享受
wallow v.打滾;泡著;沉湎於;沉迷於;左右搖擺;顛簸
常用 權威
1. 沉溺於賭博
indulge in gambling
2. 沉溺於麻將
be addicted to mahjong
3. 沉溺於網遊
be addicted to online games
4. 沉溺於一種嗜好
indulge in a hobby
5. 沉溺於物質上的享受
be addicted to material enjoyment
1. 喬治是一個沉溺於酒色的壞國王.
George was a wicked king who rioted in evil living.
2. 經常沉溺於賭博導致了他的毀滅。
Constant indulgence in gambling brought about his ruins.
3. 我也沉溺於對高馬力車的熱愛中。
I am also addicted to high horse power cars.
4. 他與她沉溺情海,愛得暈頭轉向。
He is head over heels in love with her.
5. 你知道你要面對它,你沉溺於愛。
You know you're gonna have to face it you're addicted to.
6. 為什麼我不能改變,我沉溺於什麼?
Why can't I change, what am I addicted to?
7. 有所夢想,但不要沉溺於夢想。
Being a dreamer but not living in a dream worle.
8. 她總是沉溺於徒勞的白日夢中。
She always indulges in idle daydreams.
9. 我們認為他不在會沉溺於電腦遊戲。
We think he will not be addicted to computer games any longer.
10. 沉溺於過分沉溺於某物的,如活動;
Indulging in something, such as an activity, to excess; voracious.
沉溺(英文:indulge),讀音為chén nì,漢語詞語,指沉沒在水中;也指陷入某種困境或苦難中;還指沉迷,迷戀。例句為“不急功近利,不三心二意,不沉溺玩股”。 近義詞為沉湎、墮落、陶醉。反義詞為自拔、甦醒、喚醒。相關句子有汪靜之《伊底眼》:“何以伊一盯著我,我就沉溺在愁海里了呢?”
動詞 indulge/wallow (in vices, etc); abandon/give oneself (to sth); be addicted (to sth)
1. 沉溺於追求享樂
indulge in the pursuit of pleasures
2. 沉溺於酒色
overindulge oneself in wine and women; be given to wine and women
3. 沉溺於對未來的幻想
indulge in reveries about the future
4. 沉溺於賭博
indulge in gambling; take to gambling; abandon/give oneself to gambling