亡羊補牢的英文 亡羊補牢用英語怎麼說?
mend the fold after the sheep is lost
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 亡羊補牢,猶未為晚。
It is not too late to mend the fold even after the sheep has been lost. / It’s never too late to mend. / Better late than never.
2. 雖然是亡羊補牢,總比不教好.
Which means better late than never.
3. 人類崇拜在最後時刻進行的亡羊補牢.
As a species , humanity admires that last ditch , against - all - odds , eleventh - hour rescue attempt.
4. 正如孔子的指示,這是亡羊補牢,未為晚。
As Confucius instructed, it is better late than never.
5. 亡羊補牢, 為時未晚.
Never too old to learn , never too late to turn.
6. 賊去關門;亡羊補牢.
Lock the barn after the horse is stolen.
7. 亡羊補牢,賊去關門.
To shut the stable door when the steed is stolen.
8. 所謂換位思考,不過是一個亡羊補牢式的方式。
The so-called transposition thinking, but a better mode.
9. 到警察局去自首,你應該知道亡羊補牢的重要性。
Go to the police and tell what you have done. You should know the importance of locking the barn door after the horse was stolen.
10. 不過,亡羊補牢為時不晚,因為我們還可以為此做些事情。
The high stakes is today, because you can do something about it.
亡羊補牢,漢語成語,意思是丟失了羊以後修補羊圈。比喻出了差錯以後,馬上想法子補救,以防止出現更大的問題。例句為“張學良始則失地,今幸固守錦州,亡羊補牢,可稱晚悟。” 出自《戰國策·楚策》:“見兔而顧犬,未為晚也;亡羊而補牢,未為遲也。” 近義詞有知錯就改、來者可追等,反義詞有未雨綢繆、居安思危等。
null詞 mend the fold after the sheep is lost
1. 亡羊補牢,猶未為晚。
It is not too late to mend the fold even after the sheep has been lost. / It's never too late to mend. / Better late than never.
mend the fold after the sheep is lost