實行的英文 實行用英語怎麼說?
put into practice 付諸實踐;投入實踐;付諸
carry out 完成, 執行;開展, 進行, 履行
practise v.練習;訓練;經常做;實踐;遵循;養成…的習慣;從事;遵循(宗教)的教導和教規;信奉;陰謀策劃
implement n.工具;器具;履行
常用 權威
1. 實行變法
carry out political reforms
2. 實行自治
exercise autonomy
3. 實行民主
practise democracy;practise democracy
4. 實行警戒
exercise vigilance
5. 實行變革
carry out changes
6. 實行專政
exercise dictatorship (over)
7. 實行憲政
have a constitutional government
8. 實行宵禁
impose a curfew
9. 實行封鎖
enforce a blockade
10. 實行停火
establish a ceasefire
11. 無法實行
be impossible of execution
12. 實行法治
practise the rule of law
13. 實行集體領導
exercise collective leadership
14. 實行五天工作制
institute a five-day working week
15. 實行嚴格控制
impose strict controls (over)
16. 實行間作套種
adopt intercropping and interplanting;adopt intercropping and interplanting
17. 實行貿易禁運
impose a trade embargo (on)
18. 實行經濟制裁
invoke economic sanctions
19. 實行外匯管制
exercise foreign exchange control
20. 實行大改組
carry on a major reshuffle
1. 大學對自己的財務實行控制。
Colleges exercise foil control over their own financial affairs.
2. 因此,當商鞅開始實行變法時,人民都追隨他。
So when Shang Yang began carrying out his reforms, the people followed him.
3. 當挪威在全國範圍內實行企業性別配額時,情況正是如此。
That is exactly what happened when Norway adopted a nationwide corporate gender quota.
4. 旅館對常住客人的住宿費實行優惠。
The rent is cheaper in the hotel to those permanent guests.
5. 廠家應對自己售出的產品實行三包。
Producers should provide the three-guarantee service to their sold products.
6. 他的計劃始終未能開始實行。
His plan never got to the first base.
7. 有些西方國家實行兩黨制。
Two-party system is practised in some Western countries.
8. 在中國菸草實行政府專賣。
In China tobacco is a government monopoly.
9. 戰時實行食物配給供應。
Food was rationed during the war. / Food was under allocation during the war.
10. 零售商對奶粉實行限售。
Retailers are rationing sales of powdered milk.
動詞 put into practice; carry out; practise; implement
1. 實行專政
exercise dictatorship (over)
2. 實行宵禁
impose a curfew
3. 實行五天工作制
institute a five-day working week
4. 實行民主
practise democracy
5. 實行貿易禁運
impose a trade embargo (on)
6. 實行經濟制裁
invoke economic sanctions
7. 實行集體領導
exercise collective leadership
8. 實行改革開放政策
implement/pursue the policies of reform and opening up
9. 實行封鎖
enforce a blockade
10. 實行按勞分配原則
apply the principle of distribution to each according to his work