玩得很開心的英文 玩得很開心用英語怎麼說?
have fun/a good time
常用 重點詞彙
1. 郵遞員在滿是鮮花的路上玩得很開心。
The postman enjoyed the road full of flowers.
2. 雖然水很冷,但他們都在裡面玩得很開心。
Although the water is freezing cold, they all play happily in it.
3. 我去參加了幾個派對,玩得很開心。
I went to a few parties and had a good time.
4. 雖然發生了這麼一個小小的齟齬,他們倆還是玩得很開心。
This small contretemps notwithstanding, they both had a good time.
5. 這地方雖不是最令人興奮,但即便如此,我還是玩得很開心。
Not the most exciting of places, but even so I was having a good time.
6. 我們玩了很多遊戲,玩得很開心。
We played a lot of games and had fun.
7. 他們在游泳池裡玩得很開心。
They're having lots of fun in the pool.
8. 孩子們在迪斯尼樂園玩得很開心!
The kids had the time of their lives at Disneyland!
9. 我想她們在桂林確定玩得很開心。
I guess you get a bad time in Guilin.
10. 我們昨天在森林公園玩得很開心。
We had an enjoyable time in the Forest Garden yesterday.
have fun/a good time