闖入的英文 闖入用英語怎麼說?
rush/burst/break/barge in or into; intrude into
常用 權威
1. 闖入大樓
force into the building
2. 闖入民宅
break into a resident's house;break into a civilian residence
3. 非法闖入
break in illegally
4. 闖入別人的地盤
intrude into others'territory
1. 在闖入
He wanted to see if anyone was inside before he broke into the room.
2. 他雙手叉腰,怒視著闖入者。
He stood with arms akimbo, glaring at the intruders.
3. 他無意間闖入了我的生活。
He thrust himself accidentally into my life.
4. 他們非法闖入了這家銀行的電腦。
They hacked into the bank's computer.
5. 他非法闖入資料庫,執行反常程式。
He hacked into data and ran rogue programs.
6. 他對他們擅自闖入又氣又恨。
He was angry and resentful of their intrusion.
7. 她做錯了事,闖入了這個最神聖的地方。
She had done the wrong thing, venturing into this holy of holies.
8. 一位闖入者觸響了警報器。
An intruder trips the alarm.
9. 他們向闖入者進行了報復。
They avenged themselves on the interlopers.
10. 他無權闖入他們的生活。
He had no right to intrude into their lives.
動詞 rush/burst/break/barge in or into; intrude into
1. 他無意間闖入了我的生活。
He thrust himself accidentally into my life.
2. 強行闖入
force a way in; thrust oneself in/into
3. 非法闖入
break in illegally
4. 闖入民宅
break into a resident's house
5. 闖入決賽
force one's way into the finals; advance to the title game
6. 闖入房間
intrude/burst/barge into the room
7. 闖入大樓
force into the building
8. 闖入別人的地盤
intrude into others'territory