站住的英文 站住用英語怎麼說?
stop v.結束;停止;填塞;處於;表現;停下來;阻擋;總是;中止
halt v.使突然停止;突然停止;跛行;停止行進
hold water 似乎有效的;有根據的;站得住腳的
常用 權威
1. 聽到有人喊他,他連忙站住了。
He stopped when he heard someone call him.
2. 這個餐館由於經營得好,在這裡站住腳了。
The restaurant has gained a firm footing thanks to good management.
3. 他在這裡終於站住了。
He has finally got a footing here.
4. 這個論點能站住腳。
This argument is tenable. / This argument is well grounded.
5. “站住!”校長用低沉的聲音說。
Stop right there,' boomed the Headmaster.
6. 我聽見他喊“站住,不然我開槍了!”
I heard him shout \Stop, or I'll shoot!\
7. 不可回頭看,也不可在平原站住
Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain!
8. “站住!”他說,抓住她的胳臂。
Stop!' he said, arresting her by the arm.
9. 他害怕的站住,心劇烈的跳動著。
He stopped, his heart pounding in fear.
10. 將近巷底的時候,他突然站住了.
As he neared the end of the lane he suddenly stopped.
動詞 stop; halt
1. 聽到有人喊他,他連忙站住了。
He stopped when he heard someone call him.
動詞 stand firmly on one's feet; be able to stand firmly
1. 他大病初癒,腿軟站不住。
He felt weak in his legs and could hardly stand because he had just recovered from a serious illness.
動詞 stand/hold one's ground; consolidate one's position; gain a firm footing
1. 他在這裡終於站住了。
He has finally got a footing here.
動詞 hold water; be tenable
1. 你的論點站不住。
Your argument doesn't hold water.
動詞 (of colour, dye, etc) remain fast
1. 牆面太光,抹的灰站不住。
The surface of the wall is too smooth to hold the plaster.