源遠流長的英文 源遠流長用英語怎麼說?
a distant source and a long course—long-standing and well-established; with a long history behind it
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 我們兩國人民之間的友誼源遠流長。
The friendship between our peoples goes back to ancient times.
2. 中國文化的歷史源遠流長。
The history of Chinese culture has run a long course from a remote source. / Chinese culture goes back to time immemorial.
3. 中意兩國人民的友好關係源遠流長.
The friendship between Chinese and Italian people has a long history.
4. 中馬人民之間的友好交往源遠流長.
The amities between Chinese and Mahican are of long standing.
5. 為其源遠流長的世系而驕傲。
Proud of his long pedigree
6. 由許多古怪的習俗源遠流長。
Many strange customs have survived from carlier times.
7. 華文教育在越南源遠流長。
Chinese education in Vietnam has a long history.
8. 中國傳統政治觀念源遠流長、根深蒂固.
Chinese traditional political ideas were of long standing and inveteracy.
9. 西部城鎮化歷史源遠流長.
Town turns the history western of long standing and well established.
10. 雙語教學的歷史源遠流長。
The history of bilingual teaching is of long standing.
源遠流長是一個漢語成語,讀音為yuán yuǎn liú cháng,意思是河流的源頭很遠,水流很長。常比喻歷史悠久,根底深厚。出自《海州刺史裴君夫人李氏墓誌銘》。
null詞 a distant source and a long course—long-standing and well-established; with a long history behind it
1. 中國文化的歷史源遠流長。
The history of Chinese culture has run a long course from a remote source. / Chinese culture goes back to time immemorial.
2. 我們兩國人民之間的友誼源遠流長。
The friendship between our peoples goes back to ancient times.
a distant source and a long course—long-standing and well-established; with a long history behind it