回國的英文 回國用英語怎麼說?
return to one's motherland/country
常用 權威
1. 奉命回國
return from abroad as ordered
2. 奉召回國
be summoned home
3. 回國留學生
returned student (from abroad)
4. 離任回國
leave one's post for home
1. 在那裡完成學業後,他毅然攜家眷回國。
After he finished his study there, he returned to his native land with his family without any hesitation.
2. 政府試圖把幾千名阿爾巴尼亞難民遣返回國。
The government sought to repatriate thousands of Albanian refugees.
3. 他們打算繼續騎腳踏車進入法國,再從那裡經比利時回國。
They intended to cycle on into France and thence home via Belgium.
4. 不是所有被裁掉的人都打算回國.
Not all those made redundant are heading home.
5. 僑民希望回國以後能夠得到支援
Emigrants want champions back home
6. 今天是離開馬尼拉回國的第八天了。
Today is the eighth day of the return from Manila.
7. 嗨!楊,今天下午我就要回國走了。
Hey, Yang, I am leaving this afternoon.
8. 累積的東西比你能帶回國的量還多。
You have accumulated more stuff than you could possibly take home with you.
9. 加拿大的華僑回國遊覽故鄉鼓浪嶼。
The oversea Chinese from Canada, return to hometown Gulangyu, Xiamen China.
10. 去年約40.91萬學生回國。
Some 409,100 students returned home last year.
回國,指從國外回來。歸國。 回國定居。2004年6月《中華人民共和國歸僑僑眷權益保護法實施辦法》規定,“地方人民政府和有關部門對回國定居的華僑,按照國家有關規定給予安置。”
動詞 return to one's motherland/country
1. 回國探親
visit one's family in the homeland
2. 回國述職
return to one's country to report on one's work
3. 回國留學生
returned student (from abroad)