協助的英文 協助用英語怎麼說?
assist v.幫助;協助;資助;在場
help v.幫助;援助;資助;救助;給(人)拿;無法避免;忍不住;情不自禁;有益於;對(情況或問題)有幫助
常用 權威
1. 遠端協助
remote assistance
2. 協助單位
assistance unit
3. 大力協助
great assistance
4. 協助犬
assistance dog
1. 協助治療病人。
Assist in treating a patient.
2. 已增派特警協助
Specials have been brought in to help the regular police force.
3. 協助警方將片斷資訊拼出樣子來。
Help the police put all the pieces of the jigsaw together.
4. 這項工作是在木匠的協助下完成的。
The work was completed with the assistance of carpenters.
5. 我們在協助實施這樁非法交易。
We are aiding and abetting this illegal traffic .
6. 協助制定美國政策的專業人士。
The professionals who were helping to mould US policy.
7. 一位資深學者將協助他工作。
A senior academic would assist him in his work.
8. 他沒犯謀殺罪,犯的是協助和教唆罪。
He was not guilty of murder, but guilty of aiding and abetting others.
9. 他們正協助警方調查。
They were assisting police with their inquiries.
10. 七個人承認了陰謀活動,第八個人承認協助了一個罪犯。
Seven men admitted conspiracy, an eighth admitted assisting an offender.
動詞 assist; give assistance (to); provide help (to); help
1. 大力協助
great assistance
2. 協助犬
assistance dog
3. 協助單位
assistance unit
4. 協助培養地方技術人員
assist in training local technical personnel
5. 協助校訂/執行
assist with the proofreading/implementation
6. 協助辦理出國手續
help sb deal with the paperwork for going abroad