罩杯的英文 罩杯用英語怎麼說?
cup n.杯子;杯狀物;混合飲料
1. 短短六個月內,她從A罩杯增至C罩杯。
She had grown from an A to a C cup in just six months.
2. 現在我已經整整增大了一個罩杯。
I have added a full cup size.
3. 在英國,一半以上的女性穿D罩杯。
More than half of women in that country wear a size D cup.
4. 需要解開的扣子在前面兩個罩杯
These unclip between the cups at the front of the bra.
5. 罩杯產品具備外形美觀,透氣舒適的特點.
The finished goods have the features: delicate and ventilate and comfortable.
6. 如果你的罩杯超過D,你仍然能買到時尚的文胸。
If your cup size is over D, you can still purchase a fashionable bra.
7. 罩杯要符合胸型。
Tip #2: Cups that shape and form the bust.
8. 我認為34E罩杯是很值得牛逼的,你應該感到驕傲。
I think the cup of 34E is absolutely niubable, you should be proud of.
9. 我們把罩杯尺寸和音符聯絡了起來,而選擇一首聖誕音樂更是恰到好處。
We saw a correlation with musical notes and thought a Christmas musical number would be just the thing.
10. 美國文胸專營店的銷售資料顯示,大號文胸銷量很大(最大的有K罩杯).
Specialty bra stores in the U.S. brisk sales of large sizes up to a K cup.