魚竿的英文 魚竿用英語怎麼說?
fishing rod n.釣魚竿
fishing pole n.釣魚竿
常用 權威
1. 魚竿包
fishing rod case
2. 魚竿支架
fishing rod holder
3. 魚竿式天線
fishing pole antenna
1. 男孩回答說:\我想要你手中的釣魚竿\。
The boy replied, \I want the fishing rod (竿) in your hands.\
2. 柔韌的石墨釣魚竿。
Limber graphite fishing rods.
3. 你需要有人給你魚竿,而不是魚。
You need someone to give you the rod, not the fish.
4. 農民們被安排在河邊用魚竿釣魚.
Farmers were positioned along the banks holding fishing rods.
5. 別人送給他一根釣魚竿作為生日禮物。
He was given a fishing rod for his birthday.
6. 我們也始終得到冷卻器和魚竿的,他說。
We also always get coolers and fishing rods, he said.
7. 凱迪又放下釣魚竿, 跑去抓小蝴蝶了.
Kitty down rod again, and runs after it.
8. 她指著其中一位漁夫手上的釣魚竿說道。
She said, point to the fishing pole one of the fishermen was holding.
9. 我想要一個有鉤子的魚竿。
I want a fishing rod.
10. 小貓看見了,放下釣魚竿,又去捉蝴蝶。
The little cat saw it, put down his fishing pole and again tried to catch it.
魚竿是一種捕魚工具,最初是人類用於捕魚維生的工具,現通常用於戶外運動中的釣魚休閒,同時也會用於一些釣魚競技型別的體育或戶外比賽。 魚竿外形為細長多節竿狀物,通常有一個把手,由把手到後端逐漸變細變尖,要用一根釣線連線帶有餌料的魚鉤來使用。在使用魚竿時要注意測重細節,儘量不打滿杆,避免發力過度等。收竿時最好都用一塊乾淨軟布邊收邊擦,垂釣時,亦應注意防止踩壞放在地上的魚竿。
名詞 fishing rod; fishing pole
1. 猛然從水中挑起魚竿
jerk the fishing rod out of the water
2. 魚竿支架
fishing rod holder
3. 魚竿式天線
fishing pole antenna
4. 魚竿包
fishing rod case