讀完的英文 讀完用英語怎麼說?
read off 宣讀;讀出
常用 重點詞彙
1. 勤工儉學讀完大學
work one's way through college
1. 讀完這本書後,她變得歡快起來。
She became cheerful after she read the book.
2. 教授讀完之後,全班鴉雀無聲。
After the professor finished reading, the whole class was silent.
3. 但大多數人讀完
But most people will come away from this book believing it was money well spent.
4. 她靠自己讀完了大學。
She supported herself through college.
5. 愛因斯坦在瑞士讀完高中,然後進入蘇黎世的一所大學。
Einstein finished high school in Switzerland and entered a university in Zurich.
6. 讀完這篇文章,我們可以知道除了哈利·史密斯的電子郵件地址之外的其他資訊。
After reading the passage, we can know the information EXCEPT Harry Smith's email address.
7. 這本書少說也要個把星期才能讀完。
It takes at least a couple of weeks to finish reading this book.
8. 讀完白文再讀註解。
Read the text first and then the notes.
9. 父母用他們從牙縫裡擠出來的錢資助我讀完大學。
My parents financed me through college with the money squeezed out of their tight food budget.
10. 人們不得不苦苦讀完很多頁無關的材料。
One is obliged to wade through many pages of extraneous material.
read off