大聲喊的英文 大聲喊用英語怎麼說?
burst out 迸發;爆出;爆發
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他在街道的另一邊衝我大聲喊.
He bawls at me across the street.
2. 船長對著附近的一條船大聲喊。
\Oi! , ship ahoy\ shouted the captain of the ship.
3. 我聽見有人大聲喊我的名字。
I heard someone calling my name.
4. 他大聲喊著說“,“巴比倫大城傾倒了
He called out with a might voice, \Fallen,fallen is Babylon the Great!
5. 驕傲的新娘騎在橋脊上對著雲大聲喊。
Riding on the ridge of the bridge, the proud bride shouts loudly to the cloud.
6. 一個高頭大馬的艾比萊恩人大聲喊著.
A huge fellow from Abilene shouted.
7. 醒醒,尼德對不起,我不該對你大聲喊。
Wake up , ned - o. i ' m sorry i yelled at you.
8. 他們射擊時亨利大聲喊,“躲到牆後面”。
Hide behind the wall\, Henry shouted as they shot in.\
9. 顧明跑過去大聲喊:“快打醫生的電話!”
Gu Ming ran and shouted: \quick play doctor's telephone! \\
10. 老師走進教室時,班長大聲喊:“起立!”
When the teacher came into the classroom,our monitor spoke in a loud voice,“Stand up!”
burst out